The combination of quality, sustainability and safety form the cornerstone of what makes R & B successful.
These three key Principals are intrinsic factors for both our client and us as contractors. Recognising this importance, we have put our business through rigorous industry assessments and consequently are awarded with accreditations to:
Fire Door Installation - Exova Certified - BM TRADA Q MARK Certification.
Fire Door Maintenance- Exova Certified - BM TRADA Q MARK Certification​.
Fire Stopping - Exova Certifed - BM TRADA Q MARK Certification.
ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
Dulux Connect Verified Contractor.
Safe contractor - Reg. No. VE4285.
Constructionline Gold - Reg. No. 55101.
CHAS (Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme).
Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) Reg. No. Z3333340.
BRE LPS 1271. Certificate Number: 1783PIa.
BRE LPS 1197. Certificate Number: 1783PIb.
BRE LPS 1531. Certificate Number: 1783PI.
We will produce accreditation certificates upon request.
We are dedicated to delivering the projects at the highest level in order to achieve an outstanding working environment. We have established a highly regarded and dedicated service in delivering high quality and unique redecoration and refurbishment services that meet the individual requirements of all clients’ regardless of their size or type of business.
We are proud of the quality of our work and continuously strive to achieve optimal quality by monitoring customer and resident satisfaction against Key Performance Indicators. Our most recent assessment has demonstrated that we have achieved customer / resident satisfaction of over 98%

Safety of staff and visitors comes first at all times. We take the management of Health and Safety of employees, sub-contractors, staff and visitors extremely seriously and we are proud of the outstanding record that we have attained as well as the OHSAS 45001 and CHAS accreditations that we have received. We will continue to review our policies and practices to ensure that Health and Safety is at the forefront of all that we do.
Health & Safety Policy - Policy available upon request
Exceeding our environmental responsibilities throughout our projects. R & B has attained the ISO 14001 accreditation Environmental Management and we recognise the growing importance that this has.
Throughout the duration of our project, we work with our Clients to develop their understanding and practices that may be accomplished.